“For lo, the winter is past…”

For this final weekend of winter, we enjoyed a “pause that refreshes,” at our cottage in the Haliburton Highlands. We had not been there since Thanksgiving, so it was a welcome visit. This short trip was just right, and helped me to recalibrate for what’s ahead. The time away without having to be “on” was perfect. Since I love so many things about my career, and I am a w0rk-work-work kind of person, my wife’s encouragement of me to find a hobby finally “caught,” and as you’ve seen, photography has taken my interest. I took these photos this morning, before we left to come home. My maternal grandfather, a veteran of the first world war, was a motorcycle courier who was at one point buried in a blast while en route, and also suffered those infamous German gas attacks in battle. When he returned from the war, he worked as an army photographer. Perhaps some of that has carried over. In any case, it’s now an interest of mine, and while I have little skill at it, I do enjoy finding nature subjects to photograph.

This short trip was just right, and helped me to recalibrate for what’s ahead. The time away without having to be “on” was perfect. Since I love so much about my career, and I am a w0rk-work-work kind of person, my wife’s encouragement of me to find a hobby finally “caught,” and as you’ve seen, photography has taken my interest.
I took these photos this morning, before we left to come home. My maternal grandfather, a veteran of the first world war, was a motorcycle courier who was at one point buried in a blast while en route, and also suffered those infamous German gas attacks in battle. When he returned from the war, he worked as an army photographer. Perhaps some of that has carried over. In any case, it’s now an interest of mine, and while I have little skill at it, I do enjoy finding nature subjects to photograph.

Tonight I am doing a voice workshop for the Viva! Youth Singers of Toronto, and its Artistic Director, Carol Ratzlaff. I always like to excite, cajole, (and haul, if necessary!) singers into their best singing and music making. I also very much like the choir’s philosophy and do what I can to support the organization. It is now “in its twelfth season as a downtown group of choirs whose mission is to provide children and youth with artistically excellent musical opportunities in a supportive, inclusive environment.” Some of you have sung at VIVA! functions that were “friendraisers” and others that were “fundraisers.”